Microrack Accessible Modular Synth Finds Success On Kickstarter

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Earlier in August, a new project claiming to be the most accessible modular synthesizer popped up on Kickstarter. This small modular synthesizer, called MICRORACK, promises to be right on the breadboard and offer an experience that is great for playing and learning while still delivering impressive sound variability. The project was launched with a goal of $31,337, and enough people invested in the idea to fund it fully within just three days.
According to its creators, MICRORACK is an affordable, portable, and accessible platform that will bring the joy of modular synthesis to everyone. It is built on a breadboard and compatible with many devices and platforms. The idea behind MICRORACK was to lower the learning curve of modular synthesis and electronic music performance. This is unique in the world of modular synthesis, where traditional systems are known to be bulky and expensive, not to mention intimidating for newcomers.
A couple of key features make MICRORACK stand out from the competition. Accessibility is a big one, with an easy-to-learn design and early prices that start at just $119. This is a big plus, as modular synthesis can be a notoriously expensive hobby for those wanting to start. MICRORACK is also very compact and portable, with a modular design and Type C power. Customization is another big plus as it can be combined with almost anything, used standalone, as an effects peddle, or integrated with EuroRack. This makes it one of the easiest ways to learn synthesis step by step while still enjoying rich and warm sound.
After surpassing the original funding goal, the Kickstarter campaign added a few new stretch goals. The first was an open-source tabletop stand designed to give MICRORACK an even better look while holding the synth firmly during sessions. This was followed by an AE Modular MICRORACK chasses developed in partnership with Tangible Waves, a travel case, and finally, a patch panel with wiring presets.
According to the Kickstarter page, all MICRORACK modules will ship pre-assembled, and the first kits are expected to be sent from December 2024 to January 2025, barring any delays. After the Kickstarter campaign, the plan is also to open source the designs and schematics of all MICRORACK Kits modules to grow the community, develop and publish free comprehensive step-by-step tutorials, and launch a Modules Marketplace on the official website. The latter will feature listings for all official MICRORACK modules, collaborative cobranded ones, and even community-driven open-source creations. For more information, visit the official website or the MICRORACK Kickstarter page.