Excite Audio wants to take musicians down a path of vintage drum discovery with the release of the new Bloom Drum Machine. It was made by sampling some of the most iconic hardware units around before fusing them together in an all-in-one modern virtual instrument.
Bedtime Company launched a Kickstarter for tape! - the pocket audio sketchbook, which quickly surpassed its US$50,000 goal. According to Bedtime Company, tape! is a versatile, portable audio tool designed to be a travel companion, studio gear, and creative canvas all in one.
The Bob Moog Foundation has announced its winter fundraising raffle and once again raised the bar regarding the prize.
Ragnarök 2 By Full Bucket MusicPrice: FreeWebsite: https://www.fullbucket.de/music/ragnarok.html 
Kastle 2 FX WizardBy Bastl Instruments
Polyend has announced that the multi-engine polyphonic synthesizer, simply titled "Synth," is now available. The company stated that Synth enables users to simultaneously play three different engines, which goes way beyond multi-timbral.
The holiday season is right around the corner, which means more time to spend with your synthesizers and, hopefully, the prospec