Bomb Factory Studios Moogerfoogers

Lowpass Filter

Ring Modulator
Now available (or coming soon) from Bombfactory come the Plug-In software Moogerfoogers for TDM, AudioSuite and Real-Time AudioSuite systems. The Lowpass Filter features a 2-pole/4-pole variable resonance filter with envelope follower. Use it to achieve classic 60's and 70's sounds on bass and electric guitar, or dial in warm, fat analog resonance on any instrument. The Ring Modulator provides a wide-range carrier oscillator and dual sine/square waveform LFO. Add motion to rhythm tracks and achieve radical lo-fidelity textures--you set the limits!
The screen-shots above are of the actual plug-ins! Just grab the knobs with your mouse or flip the switches with a click of the mouse. real-time tweaks can be recorded or automated using the TDM and real-time AudioSuite versions. These Plug-Ins are sold as a bundle for $399. They're basically for Pro-Tools 4.x or higher, but if you have audio editing software that can use TDM or Audio Suite Plug-Ins, then these Moogerfoogers are just a taste of the software plug-in emulators of analog outboard gear available from the Bombfactory!
RingMod: LFO Rate, Amount; Modulator frequency, mix; plus up to 4 expression pedal inputs and external CV
Images from Bombfactory.