Korg X-911

Korg X-911 Image
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The Korg X-911 is a very underestimated synth. What it was intended to be, was a stand alone guitar synthesizer. What it now represents, in these enlightened times, is an all analog, quite unique, signal processor/effects unit. Whereas a true guitar synth really requires its own dedicated pickup arrangement, this unit simply accepts a standard 1/4" jack input. Just patch your guitar, microphone, or other instrument into the X-911 and play one note at a time. Sporting both CV/Trigger inputs AND outputs, these features alone, make it quite a useful little toy.

The front panel is divided conveniently into semi-preset traditional sounds, called "Instrument", and more adventurous sounds with the nomenclature "Synthe". The Instrument sounds are named Electric Bass, Tuba, Trumpet, Dist. Guitar, Violin and Flute. The Synthe sounds are designated as graphical waveform icons (Pulse, Ramp, Square). Every voicing has adjustable parameters, with most of the Instrument sounds having a filter control, bar the Violin, which has an envelope control. The Synthe sounds all have envelope controls, namely Attack and Decay.

Korg X-911 Rear Image

The two sections may be overlaid or used separately, with control via the central balance slider. Many features such as Portamento, Interval, Hold etc. are foot switchable via inputs on the front panel. Naturally, the all important Voltage Controlled Filter is in residence, as is a Portamento control. Velocity Response/Touch Sensitivity is controlled by a 3 way switch. All in all, this unit is ideal for those Soundmeisters seeking to distance themselves from the all too common sameness of the modern digital era.

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Demos & Media

Korg X-911 Guitar Synthesizer
David Morley
BrochurePDF of 1980 Korg Brochure, submitted by Niels Kloes


Polyphony - Monophonic
Oscillators - 2 (Instrument and Synthe)
Effects - Distortion
Filter - 1; Tone, VCF cutoff
VCA - 1; Attack, Decay
LFO - None
Keyboard - None
Memory - 6 Instrument patches: Electric Bass, Tuba, Trumpet, Dist. Guitar, Violin and Flute
Control - Cv/Hz in/out; Trig in/out; FM in; VCF in; 4 fx input
Date Produced - 1980


Images from Switched On Music Electronics and Perfect Circuit Audio.

Info from Brad Coates/Melmusic

Reviewed November 2007.