Native Instruments Kompakt

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Kompakt is a multi-instrument sample player, based on the same engine as Kontakt, but streamlined for ease of use and functionality. It's designed for users who have library's of sampled sounds and instruments that you just call up and play, without all the hassle of creating, editing, mapping and layering individual samples to create an instrument. Kompakt supports all major sample library formats (KONTAKT, GigaSampler, HALion, EXS, AKAI, and more) and ships with over 200 professional instruments and sounds like pianos, basses, loops, drums, guitars, strings, choirs, brass, percussion, leads, pads, basses, and more. Available for Mac and PC it supports all major formats (ASIO, Core Audio, SoundManager, VST-2.0, Audio Units, RTAS, DXiII, MME, and Direct Sound).

Kompakt may be the quickest and coolest way to build a production-ready instrument collection. Instruments are loaded into a virtual rack with space for up to eight simultaneous instruments, so you can switch between different instruments on-the-fly without having to re-load instruments. Each instrument can have its own MIDI settings and individual outputs. Instruments can also be split and layered across the keyboard for interesting multi-instrument combinations. An integrated browser with full drag and drop support is built-in for easily finding and loading samples & libraries.

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The eight-part multitimbrality and 256-voice polyphony offer plenty of room to be an entire band with a single instance of Kompakt! It also lets you reshape your sample instruments much like a synthesizer. It offers six filter types, three envelopes, and four LFOs so you can still tweak out the sounds. Stereo effects including reverb, chorus, and delay are also offered to liven' up your sounds. All instrument parameters can be accessed and adjusted right from the front panel of Kompakt as well as MIDI controllers (with MIDI Learn function).

Other features include adjustable velocity control for each instrument, portamento (glide), various microtuning options, Master Filter section with low pass, high pass, band pass and 3-band EQ, and Direct-From-Disk streaming (sample is streamed from disk rather than loaded into RAM). Having Kompakt in your computer is like having a powerful synthesizer hungry to bring any sample-libraries you have to life. Why spend big bucks on a Gigasampler when you can get Kompakt for less than $200?

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Demos & Media

Native Instruments KOMPAKT: Drew Krag’s Home Studio Workshop


Polyphony - Up to 256 voices, 8-part multitimbrality
Sampler - Supports Kontakt instruments, Akai S-1000/3000, Gigasampler, SD2, EXS, AIFF and WAV, from 8 to 32 bits and up to 192 kHz.
LFO - 4 LFOs.
Filters - 6 Filter types: 2-pole LP, 4-pole LP, 6-pole LP, 2-pole HP, 2-pole band reject and 2-pole BP.
Master Filter with low pass, high pass, band pass and 3-band EQ.
Envelopes - 3 Envelopes: AHDSR envelopes for amplitude and filter, plus an additional envelope that can be assigned to pan, tune, filter resonance, LFO speed or LFO amount.
Keyboard - Virtual keyboard with pitch/mod wheels
Effects - chorus, reverb, and delay
Interfaces - Runs stand-alone with ASIO, Core Audio, SoundManager, or as a plug-in using VST-2.0, Audio Units, RTAS, DXiII, MME, Direct Sound.
Macintosh - Minimum: Mac OS 9.2 or higher, G3 500 MHz, 256 MB RAM, 2.2 GB free hard disc space
Recommended: Mac OS 9.2 or higher, G4 733, 512 MB, 2.2 GB free hard disc space.
Windows/PC - Minimum: Windows XP/2000/ME/98, Pentium III/ Athlon 500 MHz, 256 MB RAM, 2.2 GB free hard disc space
Recommended: Windows XP, Pentium III/ Athlon 700 MHz, 512 MB, 2.2 GB free hard disc space.
Date Produced - 2003


Images from Native Instruments.