Sequential Circuits Prophet Remote

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The Prophet Remote is an oddity occasionally stumbled upon in second-hand music shops and around eBay. It was designed as a strap-on remote keyboard controller for the Prophet 5. That's right, keyboardists can join the ranks of the hip-swayin' and hair-tossin' guitarists at the front of the stage!

The Remote connects to the Prophet 5 using a 20 foot long proprietary cable. It has mini mod-wheel controllers in the hand grip for pitch bending, LFO modulation and and aux for volume or filter cutoff. There are also program and bank select buttons for loading up different patches from the Prophet 5.

The Remote was not a commercial success for Sequential back in the day. And with the availability of MIDI retrofits, MIDI-CV/GATE converters and the like, it is rarely useful today either. But for the avid collector and fan of all things retro and analog, it's a fun and relatively inexpensive accessory for the Prophet 5.

It has been used by Geoff Downes of Asia.

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Polyphony - None
Oscillators - None
Sequencer - None
Filter - None
VCA - None
Keyboard - 49 note keyboard controller
Memory - None
Control - Proprietary
Date Produced - 1982
