Akai X3700

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The X3700 is a funny little instrument. It's like a Roland SH-101 in its minimal layout, size and shape. But this is no synth, it's a mini sampler! The X3700 is a compact and lightweight 4-voice keyboard sampler with the same storage and sampler specifications as the bigger and better X7000. The X3700 is a lo-fi, 12-bit sampler with variable sampling rates from 4 to 40kHz. It has a very limited 128KB of RAM for storing only a few seconds worth of samples. Basic sample editing functions including looping, auto-looping, truncating, re-sampling capabilities, tuning and so on are available. The keyboard can be split, but offers no performance controllers and only eighteen push-buttons for editing, looping and triggering the samples. It has a 2.8" disk drive built-in for storing samples and to load samples. It will load your own samples as well as sample libraries for Akai's S-612, S-700 and X7000. Simply put this is an old, simplified, straight forward entry-level sampler.

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Polyphony - 4 voices
Sampler - 12-bit linear, 4kHz - 40kHz variable sampling rates ( seconds)
VCA - Release Time Control (Decay)
Effects - None
Arpeg/Seq - None
Keyboard - 37 notes
Storage - 128K internal RAM (8 seconds at 4kHz); 2.8" Quick Disk (QD) External storage
Control - MIDI
Date Produced - 1986


Images from Synthony