8 Self Isolation Tips For Synth Enthusiasts

8 Self Isolation Tips For Synth Enthusiasts

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We are living in difficult times and self-isolation has become the norm for many in an effort to protect themselves and their loved ones from the coronavirus pandemic. However, social distancing is not as easy for some people as others, and spending more time at home can be a challenge. If you are one of the people who suddenly have more time on your hands than usual these following self-isolation tips might be useful.

Clean Your Gear

Unless you've been using your synths for public performances very recently the odds of any of your gear being contaminated are probably very low. Nevertheless, keeping your synths in good shape can't hurt and even just a good wipe down with a microfiber cloth can keep your gear looking great. If it has been a few years since you have cleaned your synths, then they might require a little extra care, but always use your common sense when opening up electronics.

Dust-Off Some Old Projects

After cleaning your synths you may also want to dust off some old projects. The extra time on your hands could be the perfect opportunity to finally put the finishing touches on all those old tracks. All synth owners know that it is much easier to start on a new project than finishing an old one. Setting daily goals for yourself and keeping yourself motivated can help a lot.

Collaborate Online

Since the chances are good that you are not the only one spending more time at home it might be a great time to do some collaborations. Whether you share projects through Splice Studio or make use of an open collaboration platform like Kompoz, there are a lot of options at your disposal. DAWs like Cubase even have built-in collaboration tools and if money is tight you can use free online alternatives such as BandLab, so there really is no excuse.

Listen To Inspiring Music

Music can soothe anxiety and can serve as a great distraction from all the bad news. Sit back and relax with some of your favorite synth albums or make use of services like Bandcamp to discover some great new synth tracks. Listening to music is not just good for relieving some stress, but can also help to inspire you when it comes to making your own tunes.

Check Out Livestreamed Performances

The majority of public events and performances have been canceled due to the virus, but this doesn't mean you have to miss out. Thanks to the internet it is still possible to check out great performances without having to leave your house or come into contact with other people. A lot of musicians have turned to streaming services to share their performances with fans and brands like Moog have also begun initiatives like "Synthesize Live." It is a new series that takes place on their Instagram page where artists livestream performances, instrument demos as well as other original synth-related videos. Be sure to follow your favorite artists on social media as the chances are good that they are live-streaming performances too.

Stay Connected Online

Social distancing doesn't have to mean complete isolation as it is easier than ever before to stay connected online. Whether it is chatting with friends and family via social media or hanging out with fellow synth enthusiasts on forums, it's important to maintain contact. Many people experience a lot of stress thanks to the pandemic as the future is uncertain. Making time each day to connect to someone via social networks, forums, email, texts or phone calls can be good for your mental health.

Look After Your Physical Health

While social distancing can take its toll on your mental wellbeing, it's important to be mindful about your physical health too. Chances are your entire schedule might be disrupted thanks to the pandemic, so make sure that you get enough sleep and still participate in regular physical activities too. Eating healthy is just as important and stick to reputable news sources to avoid fake news that can increase your anxiety.

Learn Music Theory or Master a New Instrument

If you have another instrument like a guitar laying around at home this might be the best time to learn how to play it. Being able to play something other than a synth or keyboard can help you to bring more diversity to your music tracks. There are also plenty of other benefits to mastering a new instrument as it can improve brain functioning and help to reduce stress. If all you have are your synths why not head online and begin learning all those things, like music theory, that you have been putting off? It is something that will be useful for all your future musical projects and can help you grow as a musician. You'll also find plenty of tutorials on YouTube that covers everything from your DAW of choice to creating different styles of music, so use the extra time to learn something new. There are even great videos online for helping those who are brand new to the wonderful world of synths.


No matter where you live or what you choose to do during this pandemic, make sure to stay safe and stay positive. Let us know on the forum or in the comments below how you have been spending your free time and what has been helping you cope.