MIDI Goblin Soars Past Kickstarter Goal

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MIDI Goblin, a hardware patch librarian for synthesizers created by Andrew Crawford, quickly exceeded its $2,326 Kickstarter goal. According to Andrew, the MIDI Goblin can be used as a patch bank for synthesizers and MIDI controllers that lack the ability to save patches locally. As long as they have the ability to receive MIDI CC messages, MIDI Goblin will allow them to load your settings anywhere, any time and without the need for a computer or laptop. Even if the synth is able to save and load patches but uses a 7-segmented display and patch banks, MIDI Goblin can be used to name and load your patches in any order you want.
The ability to save patches is already incredibly useful, but MIDI Goblin also has a whole lot more to offer. It’s an arpeggiator, a sequencer, a chord generator, a MIDI CC re-mapper and it can play scales. It’s also a MIDI CC LFO, and according to Andrew, the list of features is continually growing. Best of all, the entire source code for MIDI Goblin will be made available online for anyone to use. Since MIDI Goblin can easily be programmed using the Arduino IDE, users with the know-how can easily add their own features, too. With multiple I/O pins available, including ones with PWM support, it is also possible to add components to MIDI Goblin. Of course, all of this is done at the user's own risk, as modifying the PCB, removing the microcontroller, or modifying the enclosure in any way will void the warranty. MIDI Goblin can be powered with standard USB C cables and also portable 5.1v or 5.2v power banks.
MIDI Goblin will be shipped in a simple, brown, recyclable cardboard box. To prevent creating more e-waste, it won’t include a USB C cable. Pledges for MIDI Goblin begin at about $59 (excluding shipping and VAT), and a “glorious green” version is also available for $66. MIDI Goblin launched with a Kickstarter goal of $2,326 but quickly surpassed this amount. Backers can expect to receive their MIDI Goblin in October of 2024. For more information or to make a pledge, visit the MIDI Goblin Kickstarter page.