Teisco SX-400

The SX-400 is a solid 4-voice analog synth. It is most comparable to the Roland Juno 6, but has a better expression-section. The aftertouch and handwheel can trigger vibrato, cutoff and pitch at the same time, variable in speed and sensitivity. Available effects include an Ensemble (chorus) and a Portamento glide-effect. The sub & noise OSC and ensemble-switch are cool and make the SX-400 good for techno and acid too. Unfortunately there are no arpeggiators or sequencers.
Demos & Media

Berndsen - 400 Trips
Polyphony -
4 voices
Oscillators -
(4): 4 in Mono-mode, 2 in Dual-mode, 1 in Quad-mode, fine tuning and range for each OSC. Saw, pulse, tri, (16' 8' 4' 2') waveforms.
(2): 1 with frequency, delay, saw, pulse, tri; 1 simple sine LFO
Filter -
24 dB/oct resonant, self-oscillating, LFO-Mod, EGI-Mod with reverse mode.
Keyboard -
49 keys w/ aftertouch
Memory -
8 factory, 8 user
Control -
Date Produced -
1981 - 1982
Images from Teisco synthesizers web page.
Thanks to Malte Munster for providing information.