There can be no doubt that digital audio workstations have come a long way since the early efforts by Soundstream, Sonic Solutions and OSC. In fact, it has reached a point where impressive results can be achieved using the software on your phone. Having a DAW in the palm of your hand is incredibly useful, but you are still left with the dilemma of which ones to choose.
A while ago we took a closer look at six of the weirdest synths that were ever made, but it turns out that the rabbit hole goes even deeper. As if it wasn't bad enough that many analogue synths contain enough cables and wires to cause someone suffering from an ekrixiphobic panic attack, many designers took things even further.
If you spend time with fans of vintage synthesizers there are a couple of brands and models that will always be mentioned. These are the synths that have stood the test of time and many of them have a place of honor in the collections of synth fans. Unfortunately, in many cases, the popularity or scarcity of these synths also means that adding them to your own collection can be very expensive. The good news is that many manufacturers have begun cashing in on the popularity of these synthesizers by releasing modern versions of them.
There is a common belief with software synths that you can either have a professional synth or you can have one that is simple to use.
There are many enthusiasts who have a wishlist of synths as long as their arm, but often limited space and tight budgets dictate what can actually be bought. However, there are a couple of people who are not held back by these restraints and have space as well as means to collect vintage synths to their heart's content.
When it comes to analog synthesizers, there's no doubt that iOS users have a slight advantage over those who prefer Android. For all the advantages that Android has, iOS still has the edge in terms of audio. Of course, while definitely fewer, this doesn't mean that there are no software synthesizers available on Android.
The best part of synthesizers is obviously tinkering with them or, if you don't own them yourself, listening to them in action. However, fans of synthesizers also love learning more about these fascinating instruments. There are a lot of resources for expanding your synthesizer knowledge, but if you just want to kick back and relax, you'll find that there are some nice synthesizer documentaries floating around as well. Here are just a couple of documentaries on the subject that are worth making the time to watch.
Novation claims that their Circuit Mono Station is a scheming, manipulative little beast of a machine.  They gave us 3 reasons why:
One of the great things about being a parent is sharing your hobbies with your children and bonding with them over shared interests. Research has shown that it helps to boost the self-esteem of your child and can also help them to learn.
A little while ago Rebel Technology, a modular manufacturer, launched their Kickstarter campaign. Their aim was to crowdfund three new compact desktop synthesizers and to accomplish this they set a funding goal of £12,000.
Sponsored Post:  While software synthesizers have opened up new avenues for musicians who might otherwise never have been able to afford the real hardware, they are not without their drawbacks. Two of the biggest concerns when it comes to soft synths are cost and features.
Synthesizers can be very imposing instruments to anyone who has never used one before. Just the amount of knobs, dials and sliders on some vintage synths are enough to scare away all but the most dedicated or persistent.
As long as you have a computer and an internet connection, you’ll be able to get your hands on any of the following soft synths absolutely free.
Most people associate synthesizers with the eighties when it was hard to find a chart topping hit or television show that didn't make  use of these instruments. However, synthesizers have also played an important role in the history of video games.
At the height of their popularity, synthesizers were featured in virtually all of the popular songs on the radio. In fact, the most memorable or catchy parts of many songs were actually the synthesizers. So, even if you know nothing about these incredible instruments, the chances are good that you have heard them in action.