Oberheim OB-1

The OB-1 is a simple and great monophonic synth from Oberheim based on the same synth architecture as the SEM. Released in 1978, it was the first truly programmable analog synth of it's time with 8 program memories.
Classic and fat sounding bass & lead synth sounds. Similar in sound and synthesis from the Roland SH-101 to the MicroMoog. It has two analog oscillators and a very capable 2 or 4 pole switchable VCF (filter) that sounds great, and a good LFO that can control the VCA or VCF. This is a very versatile monosynth, especially during its time, and makes an interesting alternative to other more common bass-synths. It has been used by Tangerine Dream, Rush, Vince Clarke, and The Grid.
Demos & Media

mk2 - 1979
Images from Kevin Lightner's Synthfool and Tone Tweakers.